

The information on this website is not intended to replace services or information of trained (medical) professionals and/or care, providers, such as (general) doctors, medical specialists, emergency services, (acute) mental health care, physiotherapists and psychotherapists.

The information on this website nor the possibilities for use can be seen as a substitute for medical or other professional help, care, support or information and is not intended as a tool in making a (self-)diagnosis. The information is intended as general information and is not specifically aimed at one individual person or one specific medical situation of, for example, the visitor to the site or someone in his/her environment. This means that visitors to the site and readers of the information cannot attach diagnostic or therapeutic value to their own medical situation or to that of others.

In cases of illness, medical complaints, treatments or research, the information is only intended as a guide. In such situations, the information on this website may serve to support the contact between the site visitor (or his family member or other close relatives) and his therapist, treating doctor or another counsellor; and the advice he/she receives from the latter.

Site visitors are advised to submit medical questions, complaints or symptoms in good time to the treating physician or other healthcare professional in order to receive a professional examination, diagnostics and possible medical care. Site visitors are advised never to postpone the timely search for professional care or to never disregard medical advice already obtained on the basis of (online) information.

In the case of acute medical complaints or psychological problems and in case of worsening of complaints or symptoms, visitors are advised to contact their own (family) doctor or an emergency number immediately.

This website contains a number of testimonials from professionals and customers about their use of the products offered here by FIRST. FIRST is aware that these expressions could be construed as health claims in relation to caffeine. It therefore reminds visitors to this site that the assessment of claims for caffeine is pending, with reference to the following IDs:

  • alertness: 736 / 1101 / 1187 / 1485 / 1491 / 2063 / 2103;
  • concentration: 736 / 1485 / 1491 / 2375
  • stamina: 737 / 1486
  • exertion: 1488 / 1490

"Self-care information" is not personal advice

In a number of cases, the information contains self-care tips. Under no circumstances do these tips concern direct medical advice and under no circumstances do they relate specifically to the individuals’ medical situation of the visitor or anyone for whom this information is sought on this website.

The self-care tips should be seen as general guidelines that apply to non-serious, common and everyday complaints or shortcomings. As complications can also occur with these less serious complaints and shortcomings, it is important that site visitors seek medical professional help in the event of doubt and in the event of persistent or increasing complaints. When it concerns information regarding the use of (self-care) supplements, in none of the cases does it concern medical advice or information specifically related to the individual medical situation of the visitor or someone for whom he/she is looking for information on this website.

Medical questions

Because FIRST does not in any way offer medical advice directly (for example by telephone or e-mail) or indirectly, which is intended to replace professional medical advice, no e-mails from visitors will be answered that relate to questions or requests that relate, for example, to medical/physical complaints, the choice of treatment or the results of certain (medical) care.


The use or application of FIRST information by visitors is the sole responsibility and risk of the user.

FIRST and its information suppliers exclude any liability for any damage, direct and indirect, for any reason whatsoever, arising from, or in connection with the use of (have applied)information, products or services offered via www.firstenergygum.com, other websites or sources referred to within/from the FIRST website.